YWCA - True Financial Literacy for Women -- YWCA

Money Wellness = Clarity - Empowerment - Alignment

Course Summary

Become truly financially literate by understanding the practical side of money as well as your relationship to money.
In this step-by-step program, you will learn everything necessary for a great foundation!
Get ready for insights, exercises and yes the odd spreadsheet, and transform your Money Story starting today!

Course Curriculum


Mariska is a Holistic Money Wellness Coach and Advisor, Business Coach, International Speaker and Workshop facilitator and her mission is to help women stand aligned and in their power when it comes to money. And she's the author of Untangling your Relationship with Money.

She has developed a unique method to help her clients improve their relationship with money, improve unconscious patterns and beliefs, and bring this new awareness to the practical side of money as well. From there, her clients can create the lives they want and deserve, while aligned with their dreams, passion and values, at ease and connected with the money flow. 

"I'm very grateful to have had access to this class. This is the first time in my life I've felt empowered to take control of my finances. I've already taken so many steps that have improved my financial position and greatly reduced my stress like creating a worksheet that shows what I bring in and what I spend, setting up RESP's for my kids, and minimizing Christmas spending.  Thank you so much for offering this course!" 

YWCA participant

"Thank you for this course. It was a breath of fresh air, especially as a single Mom. I feel like I have so much more of an understanding of finances and how to handle them now. "

YWCA participant

 "I really like that the information is clear and simple. It doesn't ever feel like it's too diffiucult to implement any of the exercises or minor changes. I really like that the instructor seems to address the underlying issues with money and scarcity mindset." 

YWCA participant

"Thank you for this! It's a game changer to understand how to better manage my finances. I am excited to explore the new modules.  ."

YWCA participant

Course Pricing

Regular price

$199 CAD

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