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YWCA - True Financial Literacy for Women -- YWCA
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What is your starting point?
Who is Mariska?
Resources = awesome people list (will be updated regularly)
Your Body, Mind and Money
Money Shame
How do you relate to money?
How to get through the Holidays with your finances intact!
Intro -- What is your Money Type and how does it impact your life?
LIVE: What is your Money Type and how does it impact your life?
Module 2 introduction
Becoming an excellent receiver
The Magic of Income tracking
Why budgets don't work!
Where does your money flow right now?
The Money Wellness Cash Flow system --- the easy and happy way to handle your money!
Live webinar - The Money Wellness system Q&A
Decluttering your Finances
Let's talk about debt - Part 1
Let's talk about debt - Part 2 ---understanding debt
Let's talk about debt - Part 3: debt strategies
Demystifying Insurance
July 9 2023 -- Live Q&A
Bonus: Mortgage ins and outs
Oct. 25, 2023: Taking your power back: Money types in today's world
Nov. 9, 2023: Taking your power back with your Cash Flow: what works and what doesn't?
Nov. 22, 2023: Taking your power back with holiday spending!
Replay of Money Wellness - let's continue the conversation webinar
Basics of Investing - Rule of 72 -Terminology
Different investment choices.
5 Investment pillars
Understanding investment ups and downs and never worry again
Retirement -- know your numbers, shape your future!
Tax tips and ideas + live webinar recording
1-1 session with Mariska
BONUS: Mortgages
Money beliefs
What is your Money Story?
Rewriting your Money Story!
Replay webinar: The Money Blueprint of the next generation -- how to talk to your kids about money
Live: Nov 17 2024 - Your Money Blueprint - Q&A
Separation and Divorce checklists
Money Wellness -- let's continue the conversation - replay
What is your starting point?
Who is Mariska?
Resources = awesome people list (will be updated regularly)
Module 1: Your relationship with money
Your Body, Mind and Money
Money Shame
How do you relate to money?
How to get through the Holidays with your finances intact!
Intro -- What is your Money Type and how does it impact your life?
LIVE: What is your Money Type and how does it impact your life?
Module 2: The practical side of money --- let's get started!
Module 2 introduction
Becoming an excellent receiver
The Magic of Income tracking
Why budgets don't work!
Where does your money flow right now?
The Money Wellness Cash Flow system --- the easy and happy way to handle your money!
Live webinar - The Money Wellness system Q&A
Module 3: Money Clarity: Understanding Debt and Insurance
Decluttering your Finances
Let's talk about debt - Part 1
Let's talk about debt - Part 2 ---understanding debt
Let's talk about debt - Part 3: debt strategies
Demystifying Insurance
July 9 2023 -- Live Q&A
Bonus: Mortgage ins and outs
Module 4: Taking your power back!
Oct. 25, 2023: Taking your power back: Money types in today's world
Nov. 9, 2023: Taking your power back with your Cash Flow: what works and what doesn't?
Nov. 22, 2023: Taking your power back with holiday spending!
Replay of Money Wellness - let's continue the conversation webinar
Module 5: Investing Fun-damentals
Basics of Investing - Rule of 72 -Terminology
Different investment choices.
5 Investment pillars
Understanding investment ups and downs and never worry again
Retirement -- know your numbers, shape your future!
Tax tips and ideas + live webinar recording
1-1 session with Mariska
BONUS: Mortgages
Module 6: Your Money Blueprint
Money beliefs
What is your Money Story?
Rewriting your Money Story!
Replay webinar: The Money Blueprint of the next generation -- how to talk to your kids about money
Live: Nov 17 2024 - Your Money Blueprint - Q&A
Bonus Module: separation and divorce
Separation and Divorce checklists
Money Wellness -- let's continue the conversation- live -REPLAY
Money Wellness -- let's continue the conversation - replay
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